Remote Collaboration Across Wall-Sized Displays

CamRay is a system for remote collaboration across wall-sized displays. An array of cameras captures users' faces as they physically navigate data on a wall-sized display, and presents this video on top of existing content on a remote display. This tool is designed to explore collaboration needs across wall-sized displays and how to support them. I propose two ways of displaying video: Follow-Local, where the video feed of the remote collaborator follows the local user, and Follow-Remote, where it follows the remote user. I find that Follow-Remote preserves the spatial relations between the remote speaker and the content, supporting pointing gestures, while Follow-Local enables virtual face-to-face conversations, supporting representational gestures.



CamRay: Camera Arrays Support Remote Collaboration on Wall-Sized Displays
Ignacio Avellino, Cédric Fleury, Wendy E. Mackay, and Michel Beaudouin-Lafon
Proc. ACM CHI 2017. 10 + 2 pages. DOI download link HAL download link Bibtex Citation Short Video Long Video Conference Talk

Accuracy of Deictic Gestures to Support Telepresence on Wall-sized Displays
Ignacio Avellino, Cédric Fleury, and Michel Beaudouin-Lafon
Proc. ACM CHI 2015. 4 pages. DOI download link HAL download link Bibtex Citation Short Video

Telepresence systems for Large Interactive Spaces
Cédric Fleury, Ignacio Avellino, Michel Beaudouin-Lafon, and Wendy E. Mackay
Workshop on Everyday Telepresence: Emerging Practices and Future Research Directions. ACM CHI 2015. 4 pages. HAL download link Bibtex Citation